Stone Washing

Product Name Product Description
DEPILASE F1 ECO Neutral powder enzyme formulation containing buffers and anti-stain agents for use at 30 - 55 °C which produces extra high contrast denim wash look.
DEPILASE F1 MAX Neutral powder enzyme formulation containing buffers and anti-stain agents for use at 30 - 55 °C which produces high contrast denim wash look.
DEPILASE CT-A Neutral powder enzyme formulation containing buffers and anti-stain agents for use at 30 - 55 °C which produces bright cast denim wash look.
DEPILASE HC-GG Neutral powder enzyme formulation containing buffers and anti-stain agents for use at 30 - 60 °C which produces medium contrast denim wash look.
DEPILASE COMBO ULTRA 2 in 1 product which combines desizing and stone wash effect suitable for 40 - 60 °C.